Our Latest Updates
You can see all of the latest updates and highlights about Project U.S.E. programs, events, and exciting new projects listed below. Be sure to check back often to learn about new partnership opportunities, programs, and other thing we’re working on that could benefit your school, nonprofit, or other community partners in your network. If you are interested in learning more about any of the programs and initiatives highlighted below or discussing a potential partnership, please send us an email at [email protected] to start a conversation and learn more about what we do!
2023 Annual Report
Click here to check out our 2023 Annual Report and see more details about our program highlights, plans for next year, and how your organization can partner with us to help support our mission of expanding equitable access to transformative outdoor programming.
2024 Program Update Video
Click here to watch our 2024 Program Update Video, which includes photos and descriptions of all of our major updates and projects completed in 2024. It’s a great way to see what we’ve been up to and to share with folks who are looking to learn more about what we do!
2025 Annual Hike Sponsorship Kit
Our major fundraising event is our Annual 50-Mile Hike, held on the first Saturday in May; the date for 2025 is May 3rd and will mark the 25th anniversary of this amazing event!
Click here to download our event sponsorship kit with more information on how businesses and organizations can support the event, including being an event sponsor, registering a company team to hike, or making a donation to help us match funds raised by individual supporters.
Press Releases and News Updates

Press Release: Athletic Brewing Company Two for the Trails Grant
Project U.S.E. is proud to announce that we are part of an international group of recipients for Athletic Brewing Company’s Two for the Trails grant program, focused on projects to preserve and conserve outdoor spaces. As a result of the grant funding, Project U.S.E. was able to conduct two volunteer days on September 24th and October 22nd focused on trail maintenance projects at our Wildcat Mountain Wilderness Center, located within Wawayanda State Park in Northern New Jersey.

Press Release: Nourishing Newark Grant Award
Project U.S.E. is proud to announce that we are part of a group of 14 recipient organizations selected to receive funding through the Nourishing Newark Community Grants program. The program is designed to provide an investment supporting community-based organizations in Newark working to combat hunger and food insecurity resulting from challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Program Updates and Highlights

Program Highlight: 2022 Delaware River Canoe Trip
Check out this program highlight video update from our summer canoe trip along the Delaware River with our Pedal Farmer participants.