Help Provide Expanded Access to Outdoor Programming

Donate Now
Our continued impact on the lives of the students who participate in our programming would not be possible without the generous support of our individual donors.
You can help support our mission through a one-time or monthly donation to help provide expanded access to Project U.S.E. programming and increase our capacity to serve more students.

Stock Donations and Donor-Advised Funds
Project U.S.E. is also able to accept gifts of appreciated securities, including stock, bonds, and mutual funds. We recommend consulting with your financial advisor or another knowledgeable professional with regards to regulations and tax benefits, but depending on your situation, gifts of appreciated securities may offer significant tax benefits with the added bonus of supporting a great cause!
If you would like to discuss making a donation of stock or other securities to Project U.S.E., please email us at [email protected]
or call our office at (973) 645-0080.

Planned Giving
Project U.S.E. programming has touched many lives and has a special place in the memories of both former staff members and program participants. Options for legacy giving include program scholarship endowments and other planned giving through trusts and wills.
If you would like to discuss the possibly of a legacy gift to Project U.S.E., please email us at [email protected] or call our office at (973) 645-0080.